Monday, March 16, 2009


Stressing is never good. But in some cases, it can actually be pretty good. When you're stress, you either do badly in your work due to exhaustion and over thinking, or if you're like me, you can actually do your best work under that kind of pressure. I always push everything to the last minute. It's a very bad habit of mine, but it gets the job done nicely most of the time. Just like right now, I have about 3 assignments due this week I think and I haven't started on any of it yet. And 2 of it is group assignment so I'm pretty sure my groupmates are going to kill me soon enough for this.

I was stress studying yesterday because of my politics exam today. It got so bad that I actually continued reading from my book in my dream when I was sleeping. Thankfully because of that, I remembered what I read in my dream and it actually came out as one of the questions in the exam ahaha! Due to certain reasons this month, I only got about 2 hours of sleep last night and I'm still awake since then without feeling sleepy, though tired but not sleepy.

Stress sometimes can push people over the edge. It's always the quiet ones as they say that's really crazy when their stress. I know a few people when their stress, they'd jump around hyperactively and some would even eat non stop without even realizing it. Some of them would laugh at anything you'd throw at them, and then some of them would be synical towards everything within range. Stress is a daily part of life that no one can escape. It's, say it with me people, "A Way Of Life".

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