Saturday, October 31, 2009

Connected again! Halloween Dinner! Movie!

Hey people!

Yes the title does seem messy because there are three things I'll be writing about on this post hahaha!

First, I'm connected online again!!! I finally managed to get the P1Wiimax. It was kind of random. It was a regular Friday afternoon and I was going to go for a movie with LP and Sie Hui. I wasn't planning to look for the P1Wiimax guy at all but suddenly, there he was right in front of me. Of course I couldn't pass this opportunity even though it meant an extra trip to the bank which was like on the other side of the world! (Yes, I'm being over dramatic)

Anyways... After I finished getting it, Sie Hui and I were waiting for LP to arrive which he took his time... A LONG Time to reach. When he finally reached, he was busy being a tutor to all the CSC 101 students who are having exams later on. After a few hours, we left to go to Pyramid.

First we had dinner at Pasta Zanmai. Very very nice and very very expensive hahaha! Sie Hui and I extorted LP of his wallet to pay for the early dinner hahahah! Thanks LP! They took me out that Friday to have an early birthday celebration hahah!

After that we went for the movies. We watched "The Time Traveller's Wife" which was so so so good and romantic and sad! Loved it lots. Sie Hui and LP ended up in tears at the end. I almost cried, but it wasn't strong enough to break me to tears hahaha!

LP then sent me home along with Sie Hui. He gave me two of his bags filled with textbooks and told me I could keep them including the bags. Thanks again LP!

And that was Friday hahaha! Fast forward to today! Halloween night!

Nothing much to say about today other than the Halloween birthday dinner my family took me for. We went to the Manhattan Fish Market for dinner. It was quite nice, not bad but the Halloween special wasn't really my cup of tea.

That's all there is to say for now hahahha! My birthday will officially be in 2 more hours hahahah! So far my plans for tomorrow is just going to the movies with Sie Hui and later have dinner. Everyone else is busy tomorrow I think. Tell all of you more about it tomorrow night hahah! Till then!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

It's Over!!!

The last test of the year!!! Finally it's over!!!!!

As you probably have realized, I'm talking about my final exams for this semester. I just finished it about an hour ago with satisfying results.

I was worried at the beginning that I would fail both my subjects and that I would have to repeat them all over again. But as I did the papers, I found it to be very easy. Just that for my statistics exam I did not have enough time to finish the paper so I lost a few marks there.

I counted my marks that most likely I'll be getting at least a B for both of them. I'm aiming for a B+ or an A- though hahahah!

Finally I have some time for myself. I'll be able to start posting regularly again! ... Well not that regular as I still haven't gotten an internet line for myself. But I will be soon when I can actually find a P1 Wiimax person. It seems that when I need to find one of those guys, they don't seem to show up anywhere. Anyone got an idea where their office is in Subang Jaya?

Anyways, I'm gonna go off for now as I want to start celebrating my freedom! Tell all of you about the updates some other time!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Last two weeks...

The semester is finally coming to an end. In less than two weeks, I won't be able to see familiar faces that I'm so used to seeing in college anymore. I have to say goodbye to most of them soon. It's sad to see friends go, but it's good to see them move on and advance in their lives, getting closer and closer to their dreams.

I'll miss seeing Jessica, who do's her best in being a 4.0 and not to mention an incredible friend.

I'll miss seeing Zjen Thak, being his crazy self and doing so many random things.

I'll miss seeing Vinod, playing his futsal inside AUP, and always show how much he cares for his friends.

I'll miss seeing Aaron, always checking on the latest movies and giving us updates on it, and his robotic personality haha!

I'll miss seeing KC, always doing work on her MacBook inside the AUP.

I'll miss seeing Daryl, always 'Daryling' people all over college.

I'll miss seeing Edison, even if he does have face problem hahaha! (Just kidding)

I'll miss seeing Jean, always being a little blur and a little crazy at the same time.

I'll miss seeing Joel, being his blurcase self in college, yet still up for anything.

I'll miss seeing Pauline, always getting bullied by Zjen Thak, or was it the other way around haha!

I'll miss seeing Stella, her friendly smile and humor that lights up AUP.

I'll miss seeing a lot more people than just the few that I've mentioned above. I won't be able to see their faces in college anymore after next week. It saddens me to say goodbye to them but I know that I should be happy for them. Selfish me, thinking of how I'd feel when they leave, when I should be thinking how would they feel, leaving everyone they know to go to another country.

Let's all make lots of memories together, in these last few weeks we have together.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

A Comforting Hand

It's nice to know, that even as everything started crashing down there are still people out there, still understanding and still cared for you. A lot has been going wrong this past few months, and I seemed to have been distancing myself from mentioning my problems to my friends. I did not want to spoil anyone's mood so far so I've tried my best to keep up a smile.

It seems to be a hard thing to do nowadays as conditions started to turn from bad to worse. But it's nice to know, that I still have friends out there who care for me. I had started breaking the walls around me and seek comfort from some of my friends. I hated the idea of burdening them, but if I didn't do so, it would just kill me.

I guess this was another way of reaching out to people, being closer to each other. We tell each other what our problems are, and we seek a comforting hand from one another to get through all of this. It keeps the world going round. They say that the world isn't perfect, but I'd like to think that perfection is in the eye of the beholder, and to me, this is what makes the world perfect.

Sorry guys for being such an imbecilic troublemaker, and thank you.