Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Saving up

I've been told by my friends that I seem to save up my money more than I used to. They were wondering how come they don't see me eating a subway or drinking a starbucks anymore. Truth be told, I'm broke from buying birthday presents for some people and buying books for myself. That costed a bomb.

So now, instead of spending about RM10-RM14 for a meal, I spend only RM5-RM7 instead. I need to save up more right now as someone's birthday is coming up real soon. I need to get the gift asap. Luckily, I already know what to get for the person, but I'm not sure if I got the right type of it. Oh well, it's the thought that counts right? If the person likes it, then it would be a good plus.

I also need to save up for this Sunday as my old Form 5 class is going to have a class reunion and everyone has to chip in to pay for the food. Good investment I'd say. Hopefully I'll still have enough to spend for myself. If not, then I guess I'll just have to be a hobo at college.

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