Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Rules, Please & Thank You

Ever since I was about 9+, I've always set a few lifelong rules for myself to follow. One of them being to smile no matter what life throws at you, just keep smiling. Don't ever lose your calm and don't ever show your emotions. I've broken so many of my own rules, I have to make amends. I've decided to implement back the rules that I've set for myself back into my system. Hopefully, I can follow all of them, regardless of the situation.

Rules seem to have lesser impact on society with each passing day. Some rules nowadays we take lightly when back then the punishment could have been the death penalty for all we know. I know quite a lot of people who seem to not know how to follow given rules such as being quiet in the office or no food and drinks allowed. Even at home, my own family doesn't always follow through the rules and some even stopped caring about the rules.

Even worse are people who just takes what they want without having the decency to even ask permission for it. People also seem to not express their gratitude as they should anymore. A simple "Thank you" is too difficult for them to even say, let alone express.

Where has common courtesy gone in this world we live in? Are the times when people followed rules and were polite to each other gone? Have the simple words such as please and thank you been eradicated from this world? If this is how people treat each other now, then I fear for how people would treat each other in the future.

1 comment:

  1. This has to be one of the things I really agree with. Common courtesy is being disappearing and people just stopped caring.

    It used to be extremely offensive to say the F word or give the "finger" but now-a-days it had become like a greeting. They call it being "open-minded" I call it plain uncivilized.

    And "thank you" and "please" seems to be sarcasm right now. So sad...
