Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!!!
Sorry that I haven't updated you with all that's been happening in Sweden so far but there seems to be a problem with the picture uploading in the blogger here. So, I won't do any new posts until I get back to Malaysia which is in December 31st. Right before new years!
Anyway, right now it's a white Christmas here in Sweden~ It finally snowed right on Christmas eve! But for Sweden apparently they celebrate Christmas on the 24th instead of the 25th. Present time!
My uncle and auntie gave me 500 Kronos (RM250) to buy myself a present since they don't know what I like. I told them it was too much but they wouldn't accept my refusal *sigh*...
So now I have to choose on what I should get later as my present. But I won't buy anything until the 26th since that's when the megasale starts over here. Prices on all items will drop faster than you could say sale!!! Ahahaha! I'm looking forward to see what I can get for myself before I go back to Malaysia. Oh yeah did I mentioned I already got myself a guitar? Yes I'm rubbing it in to all of you right now bwahahaha!
Anyhoo~ I'll post all the stories in Sweden when I get back to Malaysia later. Until then~ Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Some food from Sweden~
As promised, here are some pictures of the food over here. Seriously nice I tell you.
First we have the strawberry filled cheesecake. It's seriously huge and tasty ahahah!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Some Scenery from Sweden
As the title says, I posted some photos that I took around Sweden. It's not much yet though as I haven't had the time to go around the city to take more stuffs but it's better than nothing.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Hello Sweden~
Today was my first day in Sweden and I have to say, it's way better than anything that I had expected so far! The plane trip was a drag as it was a 12 hour flight. The good thing is though that they had a great selection of movies on the planes that you can watch on the flight. I watched Dark Knight, Wall-E, Assasin, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and many more. Besides that, I also tried to finish one of the books that I bought last month but I only got to read only half of the book during the flight. The movies were too distracting.
Anyway~ We reached Sweden at 2.00pm Sweden time which is around 8.45pm Malaysia time. It was not as cold as I thought it would be. Honestly, I was expecting it to be below 0 degrees celcius but it was a positive sign. Sadly, the snow had melted when we reached there but at least we're going to be here for a month so we will definitely see some snow action soon ahahah!
My aunt and uncle took me to their place in Scandanavia and showed us around the shopping mall as well as playing some catch up stories. We were window shopping around the mall and I can't believe the prices around the place. It was way cheaper than Malaysia price which means~ Shopping! Ahahahaha! But we won't start shopping until the 26th December as they will be having some kind of a warehouse sale.
Other than that, I absolutely positively love the internet connection here at my uncle's place! It's like a dream come true~ The air around Sweden is seriously nice and cold. But it's not as cold as my mom and sis described at me before. Anyway~ I have to start writing some articles for the INTI Insider now. A lot to do in a week! See ya next time peepz!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Club meetings, Farewell Miss Koh & Woo hoo Twilight Premier!
It's been a week since I last wrote on the blogger and quite a few interesting things happened within this week. There was the Ed Board meet that me, Alexis and LP had on tuesday. Before I start the story, I'd like to say that I was right about Alexis being late for the meeting and losing the bet with me ahahaha! Okay anyway~ We had a lot of discussions about what we're going to do for Jan sem and boy, did we dream big! We're making that dream a reality even though it's big. The meeting lasted for about, 4 hours + I think when it should have been only 2 hours tops. Oh well~ Because of that long meeting we had a lot of ideas now that are already in motion.
After the meeting Alexis, LP and I bumped into Jonathan and Han Sen when we went to eat at Asia Cafe. We started talking a lot and tried to name all the US States which I think we failed or miscounted. We decided to go with miscounted instead of fail ahahahah! When we gave up on the game, Alexis had to leave to go to Mid Valley and the rest of us just headed for SAO/SSD. I and Han Sen had some things we needed to do there so LP and Jonathan tagged along with us.
Over there we started talking a few crappy things~ I and Han Sen were discussing about some books that we read like the Twilight saga while LP and Jonathan were talking about all this military airplanes and stuff. We all had nothing better to do so we pratically 'stoned' ourselves in the SAO/SSD until 6.00pm. When it was time for the office to close, Jonathan left to send Han Sen home while I walked LP to his car and was deciding whether I should just call it a day and let him send me home. I decided it was too early for me to go home just yet so I stayed back and listened to my music until 8.oopm.
Instead of waiting for my Stepdad to pick me up, I decided to walk home that day because I haven't walked home for such a long period of time after a certain incident that happened then. I had to lie to my mom about how I was going home though, cause she would probably freak out and start to yell at me if I told her I was walking home alone. So, I told my mom that a friend of mine was sending me back by car. Then, I rushed myself home so that she wouldn't get suspicious. The night walk was very peaceful and relaxing for me. Most people would panic because their afraid of getting mugged or raped or killed when their walking home alone at night but for me, it was just so nice. The air felt cold that night and I could even see a few stars lit up in the night sky and was strangely quiet surprisingly since I live in a city that doesn't exactly sleep early.
The next day, which is wednesday, we had a farewell party for Miss Koh, our student affairs director. The party was at night though, so I went to college first to do a few things and relax a little bit. That day was also Mr. Amir's birthday so I went and bought him two pieces of cheese mouse cake for him while the staff of SAO/SSD bought him a full cake. I didn't stay for the cake though. I went to AUP office to do a little bit of research on a problem that I've been facing. It didn't really turn out helpful though, as it was telling me things that I had already known. Alexis and LP came later to finish off some things for Ed Board that we discussed yesterday.
Around 6.00pm, the three of us, with Suzanne and JC left for pyramid for the party. We went early because we wanted to do some shopping before that ahahah! LP was looking for something from the Machines shop there and the rest of us followed him there. I excused myself from there and went off to look for a few books to help me with my problems. I manage to find only one so far though, but it helped me explain a few things that I didn't even knew were related. When I finished looking at the books, I went back to the shop to find everyone but no one was there. I called Alexis and she said she and LP went back to college to fetch her camera.
I didn't know where JC and Suzanne were, so I just went to Italliannes as it was time for the party to start. Along the way, I met Ben, Yan Ming and Felicia and we headed for the same direction. We passed May Chong, Joshan and Oliver who told us to go on ahead to the restaurant. JC and Suzanne were already sitting at the table there so I went and joined them. They were asking me where I was and I told them I was looking at some books but I didn't tell them what books they were exactly. After awhile LP and Alexis along with many others started to arrive for the party. Then, the VIP guest arrived at 8.00pm and was very surprise on the turn-up ahahah!
We started sitting in groups and started sharing the food orders. A lot of funny stuff happened that night such as Christine making JC pour water on himself, Alexis eating a psychotically spice enhanced pizza to win a bet and JC cutting a box up and trying to eat it. There was also a lot of cam whoring that night obviously ahahaha! Unfortunately, I forgot to get the pictures from Alexis so no pictures yet guys. Sorry! When we were about to call it a night, the bill came and some difficulties rosed from that. The waiter had combined all the bills so we were all trying to remember how much each group had ordered. Then, Miss Koh went on ahead and paid the whole bill by herself and said that dinner's on her. We all went "Nooooooooooooooo!!" because the bill was like over RM 1000++ and we couldn't let her pay for it as we were the ones who organized the party for her. She persisted on paying and said that paying was the least she could do after the party we had for her. She said that we were students and should not pay for that much and convinced us that the staff would pay her back the next day.
We said okay to her, but May Chong didn't want that so she had everyone pay at least RM 30 behind her back so that we could pay her back for the dinner. After the party ended, it was time to go home and LP was sending me with his car while Alexis was sending Suzanne and JC with hers. LP wanted to stop by the Machines shop again though to buy an IPod Touch and headphones. I waited outside for him and Alexis, JC and Suzanne joined me as they left some stuff in his car.
After awhile, he finally finished picking the IPod and headphones and apologized to us for making us wait for him. In the car, he and I were talking about some stuffs and started talking about all kinds of funny stuff about some people that we knew. He let me be the one to be the first person to open and play with his new IPod Touch as an apology gift for making me wait outside and guard his stuff earlier which I told him was fine but I still wanted to play with the IPod ahahahah! Unfortunately, the IPod needs to have ITunes installed inside before you could do anything with it so that was a bust. Instead he let me try out his new headphones first. The headphones were really loud and clear but it was a little bit big and his silicon earphones still beat the headphones in terms of loudness.
When we reached my place, we wished each other to have a nice trip as I was leaving for Sweden and he was going to go to Singapore and Thailand for the holidays. Apparently, a lot of people are asking me for a souvenir when I get back from Sweden. When I say a lot, I mean A LOT. I think currently there are over 20 people who have requested a souvenir.
On Thursday, it was the Twilight movie premier and I, Jillian, Celine, May Chong, Charles, KC, Han Lim and his GF went to watch it in the morning. The theater was extremely loud with screaming fans, mostly girls who wants to see the main actor of the movie. Jillian and I were making fun of all the screaming girls in our seats which was kind of mean but fun to do ahahaha! The movie was just awesome and there was a lot of humor in it. Especially around the character named Jasper ahahahah! We all said that that dude was just so wrong ahahaha! Comparing the movie with the book of course, as expected, the book was definitely better.
When the movie was finished, we went to the Manhattan Fish Market restaurant to eat our overdue lunch. We were discussing on whether or not we should go and watch another movie or go back to college. We decided to go back because everyone was tired and feeling a little broke after lunch ahahaha! When we finished a few things in college, Han Lim sent me, Suzanne and Shaza, who we met in College, home.
The next day, which was friday yesterday, I went to college to meet up with Alexis and finish up some of the Ed Board stuffs that LP had done before he left for his trip. We took some time to finish the thing, but we managed. We sent it back to LP so that he would finish off a few details that he missed out and we didn't know how to do it. Han Lim and Suzanne were there as well and they asked to borrow my Twilight saga books when they saw that Miss Terri was returning them to me. Of course I agreed, since I was going to be gone for a month anyway and that should give them enough time to finish reading the books.
After that we went to SAO/SSD to celebrate Kak Shima's birthday. Wow, it seems as if everyone's birthday is this month ahahahah! When we were done eating the cakes and snacks, Alexis drove me home before she went back. In the car, we decided on a few things to do like the contents for the next issue of the INTI Insider Newsletter. We brainstormed all the way and came up with quite a lot of contents for the newsletter ahahah! Then we said our goodbyes and told each other to finish up some of the articles and to call Jillian and Naomi to start writing the other articles.
And that's the end of this week thus far. Today I originally had plans but they were unconfirmed so I guess it's cancelled. Tomorrow I'm having a family prayers thing going on before I leave for Sweden. My flights confirmed on Monday at 8.45am. Ugh, means that I need to wake up super early and we have to leave for the airport by 6.00am. Until next time people~ I'll tell you what it's like in Sweden when I get there. See ya then!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Finished a few books and... Sweden?!
For the Twilight series, there's only four books which were as thick as the Harry Potter series. I finished all four books in five days. That's right you heard me. Five days! I lacked sleep but I was still aware amazingly to finish of the books. The story was just too good for me to put down the book without knowing what happens next. I really can't wait to see how the movie would turn out as the books were just amazing!
Now I'm on my next series book which is called 'The Vampire Diaries'. It's not as thick as the Twilight series and there's only two book of it but it seems to be quite interesting. Dang, now I have to go look for a new series to read soon. Oh yeah, did I mention that for the whole month of December I will be going on a holiday to Sweden by myself? Yes I'm gloating to all of you right now bwahahahah! I'll be staying in Sweden with my aunt, uncle and cousin who lives there. Yay! I'm excited to play in the snow~ And face the cold!
That's all the time I have left for today, for it seems that my internet connection went haywire...again. So, until next time folks! See ya!
First thing to do during holiday!
Last Sunday, I went to watch Madagascar 2 with Han Sen and Jonathan which was really hilarious. Before the movie though, we were feeling a little bit hungry so we went to Carl's Jr. for lunch. During then, I sneaked a few of these chocolate cylinder tower desert things to celebrate Han Sen's birthday. He was so surprised by it he just kept on saying "Oh my gosh" and "Thank you!" nonstop. After that we went to watch the movie and I really enjoyed it. I like the movie, movie! Ahahaha! When the movie was done we went to look at some clothes all over Pyramid. Jonathan and I were discussing what to get Han Sen for a birthday present and he remembered that Han Sen was looking at these shoes the other day.
So, we took Han Sen to the shoe place and asked him to choose which shoes he wanted because we didn't know his size, unfortunately. Even more unfortunate for Han Sen, non of the shoes had his size. He was a size 8 and 9 but they only had size 6,7 and 10. We were thinking like it was as if God didn't want him to buy shoes. So instead we went to one of the clothes shops we went earlier and ask him to choose one. He really didn't want us to buy him a present but we told him if he didn't let us get him a present, we would tie him up and burn all of his clothes at his house so that he would have no choice but to let us buy him the clothes ahahaha! He gave in and let us pay for this shirt that he chose which was a little bit expensive but it was in our budget ahahaha!
After that, we went to look for a birthday present for Alexis as her birthday was on that day. Han sen's birthday was actually on the 20th but he was starting work on Monday so we took him out that day instead. Anyway back to the story, we were thinking of what to get for Alexis as a birthday present. Since we were in a clothes shop, we thought maybe get her a dress. Then we were imagining her in a dress which was like... we couldn't imagine it cause we never saw her in one before ahahah! Then we thought, "How about a skirt?". We tried to imagine her in a skirt, but we can only picture her in one of those working kind of skirts as we have seen her in those before ahahah.
After letting our imaginations run loose, we thought "Let's just go get her a book". Next was choosing a book for her. At first we wanted to get her one of those 'Photography for dummies' kind of books, but she already knows the basics of photography. So we tried to find an inspirational book instead. But we didn't know what book would inspire her in what way. So then we settled with getting her a story book instead.
A new problem arised from that. We didn't know which book she would want and which she already had. We spent two hours looking for the right book for her to read. After that we settled with Brinsinger but we didn't know if she had the first two books of the Eragon trilogy. So we bought her the set with the three books in hard cover. If she already had them, we were so screwed because the thing costs quite a lot. We got LP to chip in some $ to pay for it as well.
Then on Tuesday, the "Kalumpang" group and Jonathan went to Pyramid to celebrate Alexis's birthday. Even though were late by two days, still its better than nothing! I gave her the present that me, Han Sen, Jonathan and LP got her and thankfully she didn't have it yet so it was worth the cost. We went to watch Madagascar 2 because she and some of the other group members hadn't watched it yet. Even though it's the second time I watched it, it was still hilarious ahaaha! When that was done and deal, we went to have lunch at Wendy's and it was delicious. We got Alexis a brownie cake as her birthday cake and sang the birthday song for her there.
Everyone decided to go to college then to have some fun around the place. I went to take my results that day and boy, was that a mistake. My results were kind of disappointing and it made me go through depression the whole day. But Alexis cheered me up a little by playing some songs on the guitar and giving me a guitar lesson to take my mind off the disappointment. After that, she sent me home and I just went ahead and rest the whole day sleeping it off in my room.
And that was the end of my outings for now. There's still four more outings coming soon for November so I'll update you on those next time.
Connection suddenly stabe?!
As the title says, my internet connection suddenly got more stable than it was a few weeks ago. It's kind of a big surprise for me when I compare it now and then. Regardless~ I'm happy to have my internet back in my house! Yay~ Now I can properly update the blog every now and then.
But I'm still scared that the connection will suddenly lose itself again so, I'm gonna continue a few multi-posts today ahaha! Finish up some of those old stories that I never got to tell. So, without further ado, let's get this show on the road!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Council Camp 2008! Day 3
This is the last post about council camp! The final day~ Yay! Then I can start my other billion stories that have been postponed for so long because of the no internet connection.
The morning starts with us all in Nic's Cabin from the day before. I woke up just as Joshan had entered the room with the enhaler... Thank God! I got up and ran straight for the door as he was prepare to use the enhaler to wake everyone up. But before that, they used the shaving cream on Jillian's sleeping face and then moved on to KC's leg and shaved it!
The punishments were given again as the shaving cream writings on the latecomer's faces. Breakfast was a flash as right after that we played a few games in the "Great Hall". We played one game that involved a lot of running. The competition was called erm... I'm not really sure what to call it but it was something like a scavenger hunt of some kind. We had to complete a task given and then recieve the clue to the next.
The first task for my team was to find a place with a fountain and answer a few questions about INTI in order to move on to the next. We answered 2 questions wrong and that deducted some points from us. Then, we moved on to the next task which was about us holding on candles and making sure the fire wasn't lit out and crouching in a circle for 20 rounds. The third task was having the team divided into two where 1 team was to eat a red hot chilli without drinking any water and the other having to drink 4 bottles of 7-up revive. I was with the team that was drinking the 7-up bottles. I managed to finish 1 bottle by myself but of course, involved me into some vomitting on the near bushes. The 4th one was that we have to play toss with 3 eggs in one straight line. If the egg were to fall and break, we had to drink 2 raw eggs equivalent to 1 egg broken from the toss. Unfortunately for my team, thanks to my uncoordination, we broke all 3 eggs and had to drink 6 glasses of raw eggs. Shaza drank 1 glass and started puking. Kiet drank only 1 too, but I drank the other 4 glasses without flinching which Joshan called out to me champion ahaha!
After the egg toss, or egg drinking, we moved on to the next task which was the spider web. We have to get all members through the spider web built by ropes without touching even 1 of them. And we also can't go through just 1 hole meaning that once someone goes through a hole, you can't use that hole anymore. After that, we went on to our last task which was the water passing game I think. Basically your given a plastic bag with holes in it and your suppose to fill the plastic bag with water and pass it behind to your teammate and the last teammater would pour the water into an empty bucket. It took us awhile but eventually we finished.
When the game ended, it was prize giving time~ as well as cam whoring for all of us! When we finished taking pictures and packing, it was time to leave the camp. We said our goodbyes to Kalumpang which were kind of hilarious, and went home on the bus. The bus wasn't a safe place to sleep on since Joshan, Param and Mr. Amir were ready to draw on someone's face with shaving cream. The bus went all out war as a lot of people woke up with their faces drawn. Shaving cream all over the place! Then we reached INTI and now it was our turn to say goodbye to each other. Aww.
Alexis and her parents who picked her up, sent me, Suzanne and Dan back home with their car. And that is the end of the council camp stories! I shall try to write something else on Friday if I have time to go to college and use the computers there. So until then, bye people!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Council Camp 2008! Day 2
Connections really bugging me since I cant post any stories up and there's just so much to say. Anyways, it's time to continue on with my previous post which is council camp! Yay~
Day 2 started really, really early. I think I woke up at 7 o'clock in the morning. Thank God I woke up before Joshan was doing morning calls to everyone. He would go into each cabin and use the haler to wake everyone up. It was so loud I could hear it all the way from the cafeteria. Everyone was suppose to have gathered at the field by 7.30am but being the normal people some are, their punctuality was latten. I was there by 7.15am to make sure I wasn't late and get the punishment. The punishment was to catch some wild chickens that were running around outside of the cafeteria. All the chickens were in the corner of a cliff already so it wouldn't be "so" hard to catch them.
All of them got ready and was "enthusiastic" in catching the chickens. They tried the slow approach on the chicken which backfired totally when the chickens started running and flapping their wings which resulted in the chickens actually climbing up the cliffs far from anyone's reach. There goes dinner.
Since the chickens got away, they decided to cancel the punishment this time. Instead, we went ahead to the cafeteria and started eating our breakfast. Breakfast was quite fast as we all got to eating right after having some morning stretches. We were suppose to have a morning jog that day but it suddenly rained so, oh well~ Instead we played some indoor games. First, we were broken into different groups than the real hogwart-coloured groups that were formed the day before. This time, we will be playing a game that they call "Ah Good & Ah Bad". Basically, if your Ah Good then you'll be playing to make sure your team wins but if your Ah Bad, it's a whole different story as you will be sabotaging your group from winning instead. Yeah, I know. Anyway the goal was for the team members to draw a drawing that was done by Joshan that was posted outside the building. Catch is, only one member can go out to see the drawing at a time and you won't know who is what. So, there's a risk of people lying.
The game was, in one word... Chaotic. There was a mount of trust issues in all the team as everyone described the pictures differently from one another. There was one team to an extreme, even tied down one of their members when they suspect that he was the Ah Bad. Even my team, who suspected two of our members being Ah Bad. When the game was over, everyone was to write on a piece of paper on who they think is the Ah Bad in their group and also the reason why. There was a lot off people who were suspected being Ah Bad and everyone wrote at least one person's name on that piece of paper with a hilarious reason. Joshan was reading off all the papers infront of everybody who were laughing really hard on the reasons why ahahah! After that, he read the last piece of paper and was surprised at it a little bit. The paper simply said No one. Reason being that Everyone described the picture correctly as they remembered it. Everyone on an instant knew who wrote that which was me ahahaha! Apparently no one was correct! Everybody was actually Ah Good and this was a trust building kind of game. Reason for people describing different elements of the picture was because Param was drawing extra things on it when nobody was looking to make it harder.
When the game was done with, we played a few other games with everybody in their original teams. It lasted until 4.00pm. Mr. Amir announced it was time for the obstacle course. The course was located near the place we had our hike the day before. So, we climbed up the giant hill again that was of course, accompanied by the heavy rain. The obstacle course wasn't that hard and in some way it was kind of fun. My only complain was that the obstacle course was too short. When we got back down, everyone was playing either soccer or some Captain Ball or playing the game introduced by Mr. Amir as, Baling Selipar. I wasn't feeling well so I took a nap at the cabin. When nightfall came, we again gathered in the big hall to play a few games. Competting with the day before's Fashion Show which is hilarious by the way, and I have to say UT won best female award by a male aahhaha! This time we had again a few trust building games and a sketch done by each team.
For the sketch, I was the main actor this time and I felt very... words couldn't describe it. We did a comical love sketch and the two leading ladies were Cezlynne and Kiet (Yeah Kiet's a guy so you know where the comidy starts). Kiet is playing the role as the B****y hot girl and Cezlynne is playing the nice, innocent girl. My mind is still horrified by Kiet in his role and the way he dressed for the sketch ahahaha!
After the sketch, we played some scavenger hunting game organized by May Chong which was hilarious as well. In my team, I have to say Chin Aik is the most sporting guy I've ever met. Not only was he the model during our fashion show wearing a punk/gothic kind of dress made of materials such as garbage bags, cardboards and foils, he also offered to give up his grey shorts when it was announced that one of the items would be that. Thanks Chin Aik! *Applause*
When it was time to call it a night, everyone didn't feel like sleeping. In my cabin they were having a Club Kalumpang thingy going on so I left that and went into Nicholas's groups cabin. There was myself, Nicholas, Charles, Kiet, KC, and Dan followed by Alexis, Jillian, Cezlynne, Christine, Celine and May Chong. We spent the whole night telling each other ghost stories, comical stories, embarassing experiences and all those that fell into the category of talking. Even some S** stories ahahaha! We tried to continue all night but everyone fell asleep at around 4.00am++.
And so that was the end of Day 2 of the council camp. There's so much more to write and I'm not talking about just the camping trip. Alas, my internet connection is doomed for one month an the AUP Office is already closing now. So until next time when I have the chance to write all my stories, see ya everybody!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Council Camp 2008! Day 1
This time, there were around 30+ people who went for the camp including the Exco's and our camp advisors, Mr. Amir and Kak Shima. LP is part of the Exco's but he couldn't go because he had a medical check-up. So I think 8 of the Exco's went for the camp. Anyway, at least more than half of the people who went for the camp are people that I already know which is seriously good news for me! I'm terrible at making new friends... Believe it or not is up to you ahahah!
On the first day, we had to reach college by 7.00am since the bus leaves for the camp at about 8.00am. As we gathered at the concourse, it started raining heavily. Some people hadn't reach yet so we couldn't leave at 8.00am which sets back our planned schedules. We left the college at 8.30am I think. The bus trip was kinda fun I guess but after 30 minutes everyone fell asleep.
For our camp, we will be staying at the Kalumpang Resort at Hulu Selangor so the trip took about 2 hours. When we reached the housing areas, the bus stopped. We couldn't travel there any further on the bus so we thought, wait... we have to walk the rest of the way with all our stuffs?! Thankfully no. The resort sent two jips/trucks to pick us up along with our stuffs (duh). The ride to the resort was really fun as we all squeezed in with each other at the back of the truck and enjoyed the scenery and wind ahaha!
After reaching to the resort, we headed for the hall to get ourselves organized. We were about to be divided into four teams of either Red, Yellow, Blue or Green colour. Sounds a little Harry Potterish right? Ahahah! Anyways~ I was in the green team along with Shaza, Frederick, Chin Aik, Kiet, Cezalynn, Alex and Kak Shima. After the groups were set, we had to choose the cabin to live in. Of course, guys with guys and girls with girls cabin style. So, I picked to be in Benny's cabin ahaha!
At first, Ben and I thought we got this cabin for ourselves, as it had 8 beds ready to be used. The only downside was the toilet which had ants all over the place. Then Joshan told us that this wasn't our cabin and we were to stay with them at their cabin on the other side. Counting me and Ben, 7 of us lived inside the 8-bedded cabin.
When everything was settled with the cabins and stuffs, it was time for us to go back to the hall to play some team games. The first game we played was Charades! Yay! But it was a little bit different and harder. My team went last out of the 4 teams. I was to be the one to act out first and see if my team can guess it. The topic was movie and I think the answer was The World is not enough. I tried acting it out to my other members and most of them were stumped at what I was trying to say. Luckily Shaza, who is also our groups leader managed to guess it correctly as she was randomly saying all these movie names. Our team were in the lead because of that ahahah!
It was time for lunch after that game and before we went for our lunch, Joshan, who is the head of the camp gave us a white cloth, a pvc pipe and some markers and told us to make a flag, name our group and come up with a cheer by tonight! Okay...
After our lunch, it was raining heavily. We had scheduled a jungle tracking expedition earlier but because of the rain we were thinking of canceling it. Mr. Amir said no though, and we went ahead with the jungle tracking in the rain. The jungle tracking expeditionwas more like a mountain climbing expedition as we had to climp up this very very extremly high hill. It was really nice though going out on an adventure such as that.
When we had to climb down the cliff halfway through, I slipped from the rope and mud of the mountain and I slided down the cliff. I was the fastest to get down the hill apparently and Mr. Amir and the rest took photos of me covered in mud. Darn you guys! Ahahah! But I did get injured a little bit after the slide. Both my arms had big scrathes and they were kind of stinging. Before I knew it, my hands were bleeding. But it was okay though, nothing serious.
When we finally finished jungle tracking, we went for a swim at the river as all of us were very dirty and sweaty. After washing up a little bit I went back to my cabin and was gonna rest a little bit there. When I was changing from my wet clothes, I found a leech on my leg and I accidently pulled it out when I was taking my socks off. Now my leg was bleeding as my hands which was like, ". . .".
Ben helped patch my wounds up later on when he got back from the river. It was really stingy and itchy. When night came we went to the hall to play some more games. The first is to present our group name and flag along with our cheer. My group called ourselves Power Mantis! Ahahahha! Cezalynn drew our flag and it looked so cute! Especially the picture of the power mantis ahhahaah! But I have to say I liked Nicholas's group name the most. They called themselves Cool Cool Charles. Try saying it really fast and you'll see why it's the funniest name out of all the groups ahhahaha!
After the cheer which was extremely entertaining, it was time for us to call it a day and sleep. Unfortunately for me, my roommates weren't sleeping until at least 4.00am but I'm use to the noise already after living with a brother who constantly has a night life.
This post is really long so I'll break it into 3 parts and this was the first part. Sorry people but I feel very tired to write it too long and I'm sure you guys would be tired to read the whole thing as well. So, this is the first day of the council camp! I'll post the other 2 parts soon!
Last Final Exam of the semester!
That whole day I studied for the test really hard, looking up at the past sem questions and seeing the format of it all. I could guess what questions were most likely to come out during the test already. I was prepared to do it!
When it was time for the test I thought, "Okay! Lets get an -A at least!". The examiner had distributed the paper already and as I looked at them, I was literally going, F***! None of the questions that I thought was coming out, never came out! Or at least they came out, but was like, x10 harder.
I tried my best on the test and I think at most I could score from it is 30 out of 100. My -A is gone for sure now. When the test ended, all of us went, " WTF was that?!". The test is like way, way, WAY harder when compared with the previous sems. All of us were swearing non-stop as we saw our A's fly away from our hands. We wanted to kill the people who set the test because it was seriously F***** up.
All of us emoed to the max that night as we had high coursework marks and we could have gotten A's! If it weren't for that stupid final paper being ridiculously hard. I mean seriously, it was as if we were having our calculus on hard core mode when we were barely standing on normal mode. I seriously want to kill the person who set the paper for us this sem!
Okay... calming down now. It's over and done with! I don't have to care about calculus anymore! Throw away all those notes or burn them on an open fire! Goodbye Calculus!
Multi Posting starts! Internet Connection...
It's been more than a week since my last post and I am very sorry about that. I've had some problems with my internet connection recently and its really annoying as I cant do anything on my laptop without it.
As the title says, to make up for the posts that I've missed so far, I'm going to be writing multiple posts today! Internet connection courtesy of the AUP office and Starbucks ahahaha! My first post for today ( which is this ) is about my internet connection.
Let me tell you the very interestingly annoying story. I've been using the streamyx broadband for more than 4 years already and its been great so far. Suddenly last month, they cut off the line at my house. Their reason being was that we hadn't paid our bill yet. This was weird to me as we pay the bill like, every month?
So then we asked them how much is the bill left? They told us RM929.69 (somewhere around this amount). Thats just ridiculous as we paid every month so it's impossible for the bill to reach that high right? That amount is like as if we didn't pay them for about a year. They told us if we wanted the connection back, we have to show them proof that we paid the bill. This means that they want to see the resits for the past 2 years. Stupid isn't it? Especially since most of our old resits are already thrown away or lost somewhere as it takes a lot of space.
My mom decided to just forget about streamyx and we went ahead to get a new one. My mom got me the maxis broadband thing which was supposedly x4 faster than the streamyx line. When I heard that, of course I went "Woo hoo!". But when I tried it out, it was way, way slower than the streamyx line. It so totally crushed the dream. My mom asked the company and they said that their changing the server and that's why the connection is slow right now. It will take about one month for them to finish up. I literally went, " . . ." when I heard that. The end of my internet connection ranting! Posts might be going slow if I don't go to either AUP office or Starbucks to write them.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
My Halloween Birthday!
So sorry I haven't posted anything new for about a week. Been kinda busy with exams and being depressed about some stupid stuffs. Anyway~ Today is a special day as it is my birthday! Wooo! So no negative comments on this! Ahaha!
Well first off, my birthday is on the 1st of November but I had my macro econs exam today (Friday) which was right before my birthday... Halloween! Yay~ I've decided from the beginning of this sem that I would have dressed up during Halloween regardless of exams or whatever people might think of me. Probably think that I lost my mind but who cares! It would have been my Halloween night to remember!
Unfortunately, the day started really crappy. First off, I arrived at college early in the morning not realizing that today was Halloween. Secondly, I saw my macro econs lecturer and she said that the coursework marks are online now. I rushed straight to a computer in AUP to find out how I did on my coursework. I was shocked that I scored below 40% out of the 60% coursework marks. Apparently my mid term marks were screwing my whole coursework. I couldn't believe that was my mid term mark. So, I went straight to the big boss (my lecturer) to ask if there was a mistake on my mid term marks as I did the make-up test which I thought I did pretty well.
When I found her finally in SOBIZ, I asked if there was any possible mistake for the marking and she took the paper and examined it. When she came back with the paper and told me there wasn't a mistake in the grade, the shock just got to me. I was literally so stunned by it that I couldn't ask her why my marks were so low. She told me to forget about this mid term mark, and focus on the exam that I would be having in a few hours.
I left SOBIZ with such feelings of despair. I couldn't believe it at all... And from then on, fear of the future took over. I was starting to get worried that what if I wouldn't be able to pass macro econs subect. That would mean I have to repeat this subject just as I have to repeat my calc and bio. With all those thoughts in my mind, I couldn't focus on studying at all. And so, I went and seek advice from Miss Khor in the AUP office.
The AUP Office was still under renovation and so it was pretty noisy in there. There were a few people there either chatting away after finishing their exams or just hanging out. I talked to Miss Khor about my dilemma and she told me to try and focus on my exams that I will be having in just a few hours. Go and find one of my friends and ask them to give me a crash course on how to answer the structure questions well.
I then took her advice and asked Shaza to help me out with studying for it. Shaza was being quite a good tutor but then there wasn't enough time for us to cover everything and she had to do her own revisions so I took my leave and tried to study myself. It worked for awhile, but then I was feeling too tired and scared at the same time so I went to AUP office to see whoever is there. LP was there studying for the exam so I didn't want to disturb him. Edison and Den were there looking up on universities and the subjects they wanted to take next sem. I hung out with them for awhile and help them a little bit here and there to relieve myself from the stress.
After revising for the last time, I went in to do the test. The test was, to me, scary on the structure questions as I have no idea if what I wrote was actually correct. I'm so scared that I have to repeat this subject if I don't get at least half of the final paper's marks. When the exam was over and done with at 7pm, everyone was like screaming in stress and just felt very worried on how they did. As for me, well, you know how it goes.
I went down to the first floor and this was the part when I started feeling much better. Quite a lot of people wished me happy birthday in advance and I felt like wow, thanks! Then JC and Tuan Tynn wanted to kidnap me and take me to Sunway Pyramid to celebrate my birthday ahhha! JC was building up his accomplices by asking everyone who was there to join in the fun. I was really surprised by just having all of them wished me happy birthday, let alone a group of people taking me to go out and celebrate! It was just what I needed to cure myself from feeling depress over macro econs.
The original plan was to go eat dinner and watch a movie at the Pyramid, but it changed in the middle of it. LP was driving me, Shaza and her friend to the Pyramid and the rest were going there by different cars. However, we somehow got lost in communication and we went the opposite way of Sunway Pyramid ahahaha! And after that we took a few detours around the ss18 and ss14 area. Was kinda fun sight-seeing around the place! When we arrive at the Pyramid, it was time to hunt down a parking spot. It was so packed, we had to go all the way up to the roof to get a car park spot. After that, we went out to find the rest of the gang. They were all sitting at Carl's Jr. restaurant already and was waiting for their food. LP had been there before I think so he led the way. But then... we got lost again ahahaha! So we just read from the directory and walked there like mindless zombies.
When we arrived at Carl's Jr. everyone called out to us and said things like "Finally!" or "You guys so slow la!". It was my first time to eat at this place, so I had no idea on what to order. The burgers were like really really huge. I think it was like, triple the size of a McDonald's burger. JC was saying something like, as a birthday present I'll be your b**** for tonight ahahaha! After awhile, Han Sen and Jonathan came to join us. It was so fun just hanging out with friends and eating at a nice atmosphere. Before we were about to leave, they all sang to me a happy birthday song which was a little bit funny and embarrassing. But I'm still happy they did that for me haha! Right after that, we had a competition to see who can splurt out the ketchup from their packets by clunching them with only one hand. I and JC tried a combined effort, but we failed miserably. Shaza on the other hand was successful and the thing went out like a bomb under the table! We were all looking at it and it was like a work of art ahahahaha! Of course, we cleaned the mess right after that.
We were on our way to go and see the movie already, but then we cancelled it since it was gonna start at like, 11pm++ and everyone was going home around that time. So instead, we spent the next 2 hours in the arcade playing all kinds of games ahahaha! JC was showing me this game called parapara and it looked so cool! Apparently he's an expert in it ahhaha! Han Sen on the other hand, ruled the dancing games. Wow, learn something new about everyone everyday hahaha! When it was time for everyone to leave, Shaza, Han Sen and Jonathan was singing happy birthday to me in, I think was 4 different languages? That was so hilarious ahahahah! We were acting like a couple of drunkards on the rooftop ahahaha!
After that, LP sent me home and drove off to send JC and Tuan Tynn back. An hour later, a lot of people started wishing my happy birthday ahaha! First one to wish me an official happy birthday at 12am was Edison hahaha! and after that the messages in my phone, msn and facebook just kept rolling in hahaha! I'm like, so touched that everyone wished me a happy birthday. Around 12.20am, JC and Tuan Tynn called me to wish me a happy birthday officially hahahah! Their the first to call me to say that. Then I cut my wooden-log-shaped cake that my family got for me and opened my presents! The first gift I got was a brand new handphone which had the most loudest volume I've had in any of my phones so far. The rest of the gifts were kind of a miscommunication between my sis and my mom. My mom thought I wanted a ps2, which I already have but has died after 6 years of service to me. So, she bought me a full ps2 set, a ps2 bag and a tv for my room that she said would arrive tomorrow (Saturday). Then I told her, whoa why so extravagant! I only asked to get me either a semi-acoustic guitar, a psp or a brand new handphone which I got. And so she told me if I wanted the psp. I said yeah, and asked her to return all those really really expensive stuff back to the store. She said that I'm really really insane to return all those gifts (except the phone) for a psp. Then I said, I'm weird~ deal with it! Ahahaha!
And so that was my Halloween birthday ahahaha! You know, I realized that it was Halloween only when me and the others were on our way back from the Pyramid. Aww man, no dress up! Oh well~ There's always next year! Thanks everyone for giving me the best birthday I've had so far and also thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday! Goodnight all!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Exams, Futures and "End War" Demo!
Well, this has been one hectic week as I crammed my brains out for exams and assignments during this week. Luckily, the group assignments were fine, and the exams were fair to say the least. I can't believe the amount of studying I've been doing these past few days myself. One of the happiest things that I heard this week was my coursework for my calculus subject which was 50 out of 60 percent! Woo hoo! I don't have to repeat it anymore~ Ho lay lu ya! But I am worried about my macro economic's coursework as I think I didn't put in enough effort at the beginning of the semester. Hopefully it would be okay. We'll find out more on that next week.
After the test today me, Alexis, Han Sen and even LP got stressed on what subjects we should take next sem and when should we be leaving for the states. Mostly it was Alexis and Han Sen doing the talking, I was just leeching from them and LP was busy looking at his own Uni choice. I was so worried that I might have to spend 7 semesters here (counting the 2 that I already took)when I counted all the subects that I needed before I transfer to St. Cloud State University in Minnesota. After careful planning with Alexis, we manage to make it fit so that at max I would spend only 6 semesters here given if I don't fail any subjects at all and next sem I would take 5 subjects as well as the following semester. Man, I have to start being a total bookworm because of this!
When we were done looking up at all those uni stuffs, Alexis and Han Sen went and eat lunch while I and LP go and set the game demo we were doing in the room that we booked yesterday. Unfortunately for us, the room didn't have a projector. So we then hijacked the room next door since no one was using it and it had a projector inside. LP was setting up the XBOX 360 he borrowed from his friend and also some speakers he brought along that belonged to him while I was just sitting there and waiting to try out the game ahahah! I feel so bad about that.
Anyway, the game is called "End War" and it was just a demo trial of the game. The real one would be released on the 4th of November. What's so great about this strategy game by Tom Clancy? Well for one thing, the storyline is like so scary since the reality would hit people that this could actually be happening in the near future. Second, the graphics are damn awesome! It's as if your watching a movie or your actually there! Third, its voice command! Meaning you just talk with the headset on your head and give out orders to your troops. Its a really cool game that everyone should get!
After we played for God knows how many times and showed it to some of our friends, me and LP called it a day and was heading back home already at 6.15 pm. But before that we decided to grab a bite to eat. Mostly because I didn't eat lunch at all because of the game being addictive ahahahah! When we finished eating, we went back to college to pick up some stuffs we forgot to take with us earlier. I think it was one of the speakers ahaha! Short-term memory loss people eh heh. Then I had to buy some stuffs before he could send me home. Sorry LP! A lot of sidetrips ahahah!
And that was the end of the day. Reached home at about 7.20 or so and watched tv after 1 week of no tv! Now it's time to catch up with my beauty sleep so, goodnight everyone~
Monday, October 20, 2008
Tagged By Amos~~
Friends duh XD
2. Your 5 impressions towards her/him?
Very blur
Too Innocent sometimes XD
Damn smart! =D
3. The most memorable things she/he have said to you.
He's evil laugh is the most memorable thing I heard from him!
4. The most memorable things she/he had done for you
Helping me with my calc last time XD
5. If she/he became your lover, you will..
Say he's not my type ahahaha!
6. If she/he become your enemy, you will...
Not possible so don't have to answer =p
7. If she/he become your lover, she/he has to improve on..
Not to be so blur! XD
8. If she/he become your enemy, the reason is..
Err... He ate my cookie o.o? WAR D:<
9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?
Disturb him =p
10. The overall impression of him/her is...
Nice guy o.o?
11. How do you think the people around you feel about you?
Erm full of energy... and maybe nice to hangout with? =D
12. The character of you for yourself is?
Love helping everyone
13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
Random mood swings
14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
Someone dependable.
15. For the people who care about you and likes you, say something about them.
Thanks for all your help guys! Whenever I need something all of you are there for me XD You guys make me smile everyday =D
Ten people to tag:
7.Kwok Liang
9.May Lim
Who is no.2 (Ben) having a relationship with?
Erm think her name was Steph! I so smart ahahahah!
Is no.3 (Carissa) a male or female?
Obviously female XD
How will no.9 (May Lim) react if he/she found out that his/her cell phone is lost?
Erm either she goes bonkers until she finds it or she just continues being her blur self XD
If no.7 (Kwok Liang) and no.10 (Mitra) were together, would it be a good thing?
Erm dunno if their each other's type o.o
How about no.5 (Elvin) and no.8 (Jared)?
Now that would be interesting ahahahahahah!
What is no.1 (Alexis) studying about?
Oo oo I know I know! Same as me XD AUP Journalism Major!
Is no.4 (Edison) single?
Maybe yes, maybe no =.="
Say something about no.6 (Jillian)?
She sho shweet ahaha XD
Friday, October 17, 2008
International Sajak Reading Competition!
I know it's been awhile since I've posted something and I give you my deepest apology. Ahaha! Thought I became very formal didn't you? Anyway I am sorry about not keeping the blog updated. It's kind of been a depressing week up until yesterday (Wednesday). But I won't bore you with the depressing details so let's get on with today's topic!
Now for those of you who don't know what "Sajak" is, basically it's a poem in Bahasa Melayu where you talk and show a lot of feelings and emotions as well as body language. The poem is usually accompanied by some music to give it that dramatic effect ahahah!

What we had to do was read the poem in a group and each group must have at least 1 international or local student to perform the poem with the rest of the members. I entered the competition with my 2 members Hoor (green dress) and Winna (white dress).
We were the only private college that was taking part in the competition which was kind of cool and intimidating at the same time. It was intimidating because the contestants from the local college and university students are suppose to be far better in sajak reading compared to private college students like us. And the fact that they had a lot of supporters didn't help much in our confidence. We had only 2 supporters who came to cheer us on which was Winni and Henry. Hey 2 is better then nothing!
As we were getting ready to go on stage, I felt a lot of butterflies flapping their wings inside my stomache. I had such a bad case of stage fright but I tried to overcome it with some relaxation techniques (like breathing as if your about to give birth ahahaha!). Although it was scary, I overcame my fears when I got on stage somehow and did the best that I could with it. I messed up a little bit on the last part though which was so sad sobz...
After that was done with, there were a lot of extra performances by the hosting university and some of them were just hilarious ahaha! After that they gave all the participants a trophy for participating in the competition. When it was over, the time had come to announced the winner of the competition. We were all thinking oh well we had fun, guess it might not be us. When suddenly...
We won third place!!! Wow! It was such an unexpected surprise! We couldn't believe it and neither could Mr. Amir hahaha! He was so proud of us getting a prize for our efforts.

Here we are again but this time with Mr. Amir! Yay the whole team's group shot!
We are the champions!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Hari Raya Open House Pictures!!!
Silence . . .
Okay, today(Wednesday) started a little bit scary as I woke up this morning without a voice! I misplaced my voice somewhere! Oh no~ So yeah getting back to serious mode, I really did lose my voice and I think I know what caused it probably. I can't say it here though, sorry guys! Personal reason!
Anyway~ not only was I without a voice today, I also had a calculus exam that morning which was, say it with me people, FUN! Thankfully, the test was easier then I thought but my only complain would be that we didn't have enough time for the test. I was so happy after it was over, I wanted to say, "It's over!!!" but since I got no voice today, that plan was a bust.
After the exams were over and done with, I went to the concourse and hungout with Alexis and Ben. Alexis was helping Ben with the selling booth of the Rotaract Club. They were selling some delicious food to raise fund for their camping trip or something. I was chatting with them in sign language and writing on a small notebook I carried around all day for today. When Alexis knew that I lost my voice and had to write down what I wanted to say to her on the notebook, she joined in with me ahahaha! When the clock stroke 12 noon, it was time for macro econs class.
Han Sen, Jon, Naomi and Shaza were all asking what happen to my voice. I had to give all of them the same answer I gave to you guys earlier. After class was over, I went to the IMC Meeting that we were having. Didn't discuss much during the meeting though. Basically just saying what we're doing next week. I hung out with JC and Ilyas outside the AUP office and they were laughing and making fun of me when they found out I lost my voice. Damn you two!
My throat still felt like a knife was there or something and I couldn't say a word at all. Most of the people in AUP office asked what happen to me as they notice I was strangely quiet today. And of course drumroll please, same answer to everyone! Everyone in AUP was playing one of the facebook applications called Pet Society which is seriously cute and fun! Suddenly, after having a little fun arguement with JC about his cat kissing mine, my voice came back! But it was still kind of painful and low. Guess I have to thank the homo cat for restoring my voice. Thanks Cat Sandwich!
Having no voice in college is a damn hard thing to face I'll tell you now! But I guess I listened more so thats something positive that came out from this. After that, I went to eat dinner with Shaza, Mus, Justice, Ilyas and Shravan at AC. The end. That was my day without a voice.