Hey all,
Connections really bugging me since I cant post any stories up and there's just so much to say. Anyways, it's time to continue on with my previous post which is council camp! Yay~
Day 2 started really, really early. I think I woke up at 7 o'clock in the morning. Thank God I woke up before Joshan was doing morning calls to everyone. He would go into each cabin and use the haler to wake everyone up. It was so loud I could hear it all the way from the cafeteria. Everyone was suppose to have gathered at the field by 7.30am but being the normal people some are, their punctuality was latten. I was there by 7.15am to make sure I wasn't late and get the punishment. The punishment was to catch some wild chickens that were running around outside of the cafeteria. All the chickens were in the corner of a cliff already so it wouldn't be "so" hard to catch them.
All of them got ready and was "enthusiastic" in catching the chickens. They tried the slow approach on the chicken which backfired totally when the chickens started running and flapping their wings which resulted in the chickens actually climbing up the cliffs far from anyone's reach. There goes dinner.
Since the chickens got away, they decided to cancel the punishment this time. Instead, we went ahead to the cafeteria and started eating our breakfast. Breakfast was quite fast as we all got to eating right after having some morning stretches. We were suppose to have a morning jog that day but it suddenly rained so, oh well~ Instead we played some indoor games. First, we were broken into different groups than the real hogwart-coloured groups that were formed the day before. This time, we will be playing a game that they call "Ah Good & Ah Bad". Basically, if your Ah Good then you'll be playing to make sure your team wins but if your Ah Bad, it's a whole different story as you will be sabotaging your group from winning instead. Yeah, I know. Anyway the goal was for the team members to draw a drawing that was done by Joshan that was posted outside the building. Catch is, only one member can go out to see the drawing at a time and you won't know who is what. So, there's a risk of people lying.
The game was, in one word... Chaotic. There was a mount of trust issues in all the team as everyone described the pictures differently from one another. There was one team to an extreme, even tied down one of their members when they suspect that he was the Ah Bad. Even my team, who suspected two of our members being Ah Bad. When the game was over, everyone was to write on a piece of paper on who they think is the Ah Bad in their group and also the reason why. There was a lot off people who were suspected being Ah Bad and everyone wrote at least one person's name on that piece of paper with a hilarious reason. Joshan was reading off all the papers infront of everybody who were laughing really hard on the reasons why ahahah! After that, he read the last piece of paper and was surprised at it a little bit. The paper simply said No one. Reason being that Everyone described the picture correctly as they remembered it. Everyone on an instant knew who wrote that which was me ahahaha! Apparently no one was correct! Everybody was actually Ah Good and this was a trust building kind of game. Reason for people describing different elements of the picture was because Param was drawing extra things on it when nobody was looking to make it harder.
When the game was done with, we played a few other games with everybody in their original teams. It lasted until 4.00pm. Mr. Amir announced it was time for the obstacle course. The course was located near the place we had our hike the day before. So, we climbed up the giant hill again that was of course, accompanied by the heavy rain. The obstacle course wasn't that hard and in some way it was kind of fun. My only complain was that the obstacle course was too short. When we got back down, everyone was playing either soccer or some Captain Ball or playing the game introduced by Mr. Amir as, Baling Selipar. I wasn't feeling well so I took a nap at the cabin. When nightfall came, we again gathered in the big hall to play a few games. Competting with the day before's Fashion Show which is hilarious by the way, and I have to say UT won best female award by a male aahhaha! This time we had again a few trust building games and a sketch done by each team.
For the sketch, I was the main actor this time and I felt very... words couldn't describe it. We did a comical love sketch and the two leading ladies were Cezlynne and Kiet (Yeah Kiet's a guy so you know where the comidy starts). Kiet is playing the role as the B****y hot girl and Cezlynne is playing the nice, innocent girl. My mind is still horrified by Kiet in his role and the way he dressed for the sketch ahahaha!
After the sketch, we played some scavenger hunting game organized by May Chong which was hilarious as well. In my team, I have to say Chin Aik is the most sporting guy I've ever met. Not only was he the model during our fashion show wearing a punk/gothic kind of dress made of materials such as garbage bags, cardboards and foils, he also offered to give up his grey shorts when it was announced that one of the items would be that. Thanks Chin Aik! *Applause*
When it was time to call it a night, everyone didn't feel like sleeping. In my cabin they were having a Club Kalumpang thingy going on so I left that and went into Nicholas's groups cabin. There was myself, Nicholas, Charles, Kiet, KC, and Dan followed by Alexis, Jillian, Cezlynne, Christine, Celine and May Chong. We spent the whole night telling each other ghost stories, comical stories, embarassing experiences and all those that fell into the category of talking. Even some S** stories ahahaha! We tried to continue all night but everyone fell asleep at around 4.00am++.
And so that was the end of Day 2 of the council camp. There's so much more to write and I'm not talking about just the camping trip. Alas, my internet connection is doomed for one month an the AUP Office is already closing now. So until next time when I have the chance to write all my stories, see ya everybody!
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