Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hari Raya Open House Pictures!!!

Before I go to sleep, let me share with you some of the pics I snatched from Alexis that she took during my Raya Open House hehe!

Wa you guys eat too much la!

Cezalyn and Suzanne ahahah whats with the face!

Deli, Zjen Thak and... sorry I forgot your name, China girl!

Cameraman faster set it!

She takes, he takes hahahha!

On your mark, get set!


Bunch of posers doing what we do best!


  1. the chinna girl's name is li fang.

    thanks qisti...for the food, the view, the games, the bunch of friends... everything !


  2. ooo okay now I know her name ahaha XD

    No prob~ Thanks for coming hahah!XD
