Friday, January 9, 2009

Sweden Stories!

Hello everyone!!!

So sorry I haven't posted anything new for such a long time. Stupid internet connection sia... it took me 1 hour just to download a 5mb file so you can imagine how bad it is. Anyway because of that, I can't post the photos from sweden here but you can check it out on my facebook account ahaha!

It's at --->

I posted all my sweden photos there so go and have a look ahahah! But I will still tell you some stories in Sweden so don't fret ahahah! First off I know I've said it before but here goes again, I love the parks in Sweden!! It's so clean and very very woodsy and it's just such a nice place to go around and walk. I walked around the park in my area almost everyday just to enjoy the nice fresh air and breathtaking view. The animals in the park were also quite eye-catching like the domino coloured birds~ And not to mention that they're quite friendly with people. The park even had a Pony ranch which was really cute to see all the ponies walking around ahhah!

Other than the park, There's also the mall that I went to with my sis and cousin called Kiesta mall. We went to do some window shopping and watch Twilight there as my sis and cousin haven't watched it yet. Yeah, I know! So anyway when we were getting the tickets my sister asked me to buy the popcorn and choose large size. Boy, was that a mistake! Their large sized popcorn was as big as 3 of Malaysia's large size popcorn combined together! But their popcorn tasted so.... SALTY!!! It was so horrible and I think we took about more than a week to finish it. Well... more like my uncle finished it ahahaha! We couldnt't eat it anymore so sue us! Anyway back to the cinema story, After we got the popcorn we went to get the tickets and oh my gosh, after converting the tickets to malaysian ringgit, it costs RM30 for each of us! Yes I know I shouldn't have converted the money but still! We went into the theater to watch the Twilight movie. In the theater there were 2 iraqian girls who were laughing so loud, it matched the devil's laugh that Amos did last time ahaha! We were all laughing when they were laughing cause it was too funny to hear it ahahha!

Besides that, there was also the sights in the city~ Let me tell you, Stockholm has some real weirdos in it which is so cool ahahaha! You'll meet all kinds of people in the streets and subways. The nicest place to go for a walk in the city would be the Queen's Road where you can also do some shopping~ The Queen's Road is seriously nice as it is one of those streets that aren't so big and you would go for a walk in where there is no cars around and there are shops all beside the street walks. It leads from the new Stockholm to the old part of the city where the 400 year old buildings are. Seriously nice to go there for a walk and experience the 16th century buildings. Aside from that, the building also has quite a few parks where it is nice to go for a walk around and of course the Universities there look awesome. I especially like the Journalism School's building ahahaha! Being a little bias here but oh well~ There's also a lot of nice looking restaurants that has that homey feeling when your eating there. It feels so good that you'd think your eating homemade food at home. But one thing I'd like to complain about their food is the portion is huge! You can see how big they are from the pictures (refer up the facebook link).

Another thing was the boxing day! It was a really nice day to go out and literally shop till you drop. The sales over there were going from 40%-75% just for the next 3 days from 26th December. But unless you live there, the sales don't really seem like a sale to me. But there were still some very reasonble sales for us going on over there~ But so sad no sales on the chocolate puddings sobz..... Yes I'm mourning for my chocolate pudding hunger right now! Sobz!

Moving on~ My uncle took me and my sis to see the countryside which was breathtaking I tell you! Breathtaking! The nice fresh air~ Not a smoke in sight except for the nice cozy fireplace! I know! Not to mention the open fields that we walked around in and of course, the beautiful forests!!! With all the cherry and apple trees! It was just so incredible. Getting in touch with your inner nature side... Ahahaha!!!

Oh then there's also the 7-Eleven there! I have to say this, their 7-Eleven is like our Starbucks Coffee place okay! It's so high tech wei! Even starbucks would lose to it I think. They have an Espresso maker, Hot Chocolate maker, Juice Maker, Computers free to be used, lounge where customers could just hang out, and candy! Lots and lots of candy! I love their hot chocolate more than Starbucks's hot chocolate which shows what a big deal it is! If I live there I'd probably just go there everyday to buy their hot chocolate ahahah!

The people there I have to admit, I feel so short when I was there ahahahah! They were all so tall I felt like waaa... So this is how some of my friends felt when I'm around them ahahaha!!! Their very into walking and cycling over there. They even made a cycling road just for the cyclers! But I have to say their Christmas decorations are kind of disappointing as Malaysia's Decos are way way nicer and grandious. Seriously! And their the ones with the snowy winter!

The kids over there mature mentally so fast! I met a six-year old kid who already dyed his hair pink and green in the middle! Then there was this eleven-year old boy who already pierced his ears and most of the kids from the age of ten and above already take the subway unsupervised! And I'm still not allowed to go and ride the train by myself!

Another thing about Sweden was that they have a lot of different nationality living in them. There are people all over the world living there ahaha! You can learn so many things from living there about different cultures and beliefs.

There was one thing that was disappointing when I stayed there for a month, which was the fact that it only snowed once in the whole month of December!!! Yeah, once!!! It snowed on Christmas Eve but it was just powder snow which was like... The day my uncle drove us to the airport he told us that in his 30 years+ living in Sweden, never has it not snowed in the month of December until we came and the sun never shined so brightly until we came. Okay.......... After we land in Malaysia my uncle called and told us that it was snowing already. Yes... I felt like I wanted to murder someone at that point. Sweden really hated me that it wouldn't allow me to experience heavy snow! Sobz!

Before I forget and end it, There's one more story I have to tell all of you which is about Christmas day! In Sweden they celebrate Christmas on the 24th instead of 25th and they have a very very weird tradition which was at exactly 3.00pm, they would all turn on their tv's and watch old Donald Duck cartoons. Yes, very weird right?? Apparently the King had decreed that everyone would watch the cartoons every Christmas. It's been going on for over 50 years! Besides the cartoons, during Christmas day we had a lot of chocolates! Lots and lots of chocolates! And my aunt's homecooked meals which were seriously nice especially the potato salads! I love those! My aunt and unce gave me 500 Kronos (RM250) as a Christmas present and my cousins gave me this electric ball massager thing for my hands. Its good for people who spend a lot of times infront of the computer screen. It was really nice of them to give me that especially considering that on the first day everyone felt a little bit awkward with each other ahahah!

Anyways I shall end the Sweden stories here since this is quite a long post already right? Next post is gonna be about what's been going on since new years up to now ahahaha! See ya!

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