Friday, October 24, 2008
Exams, Futures and "End War" Demo!
Well, this has been one hectic week as I crammed my brains out for exams and assignments during this week. Luckily, the group assignments were fine, and the exams were fair to say the least. I can't believe the amount of studying I've been doing these past few days myself. One of the happiest things that I heard this week was my coursework for my calculus subject which was 50 out of 60 percent! Woo hoo! I don't have to repeat it anymore~ Ho lay lu ya! But I am worried about my macro economic's coursework as I think I didn't put in enough effort at the beginning of the semester. Hopefully it would be okay. We'll find out more on that next week.
After the test today me, Alexis, Han Sen and even LP got stressed on what subjects we should take next sem and when should we be leaving for the states. Mostly it was Alexis and Han Sen doing the talking, I was just leeching from them and LP was busy looking at his own Uni choice. I was so worried that I might have to spend 7 semesters here (counting the 2 that I already took)when I counted all the subects that I needed before I transfer to St. Cloud State University in Minnesota. After careful planning with Alexis, we manage to make it fit so that at max I would spend only 6 semesters here given if I don't fail any subjects at all and next sem I would take 5 subjects as well as the following semester. Man, I have to start being a total bookworm because of this!
When we were done looking up at all those uni stuffs, Alexis and Han Sen went and eat lunch while I and LP go and set the game demo we were doing in the room that we booked yesterday. Unfortunately for us, the room didn't have a projector. So we then hijacked the room next door since no one was using it and it had a projector inside. LP was setting up the XBOX 360 he borrowed from his friend and also some speakers he brought along that belonged to him while I was just sitting there and waiting to try out the game ahahah! I feel so bad about that.
Anyway, the game is called "End War" and it was just a demo trial of the game. The real one would be released on the 4th of November. What's so great about this strategy game by Tom Clancy? Well for one thing, the storyline is like so scary since the reality would hit people that this could actually be happening in the near future. Second, the graphics are damn awesome! It's as if your watching a movie or your actually there! Third, its voice command! Meaning you just talk with the headset on your head and give out orders to your troops. Its a really cool game that everyone should get!
After we played for God knows how many times and showed it to some of our friends, me and LP called it a day and was heading back home already at 6.15 pm. But before that we decided to grab a bite to eat. Mostly because I didn't eat lunch at all because of the game being addictive ahahahah! When we finished eating, we went back to college to pick up some stuffs we forgot to take with us earlier. I think it was one of the speakers ahaha! Short-term memory loss people eh heh. Then I had to buy some stuffs before he could send me home. Sorry LP! A lot of sidetrips ahahah!
And that was the end of the day. Reached home at about 7.20 or so and watched tv after 1 week of no tv! Now it's time to catch up with my beauty sleep so, goodnight everyone~
Monday, October 20, 2008
Tagged By Amos~~
Friends duh XD
2. Your 5 impressions towards her/him?
Very blur
Too Innocent sometimes XD
Damn smart! =D
3. The most memorable things she/he have said to you.
He's evil laugh is the most memorable thing I heard from him!
4. The most memorable things she/he had done for you
Helping me with my calc last time XD
5. If she/he became your lover, you will..
Say he's not my type ahahaha!
6. If she/he become your enemy, you will...
Not possible so don't have to answer =p
7. If she/he become your lover, she/he has to improve on..
Not to be so blur! XD
8. If she/he become your enemy, the reason is..
Err... He ate my cookie o.o? WAR D:<
9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?
Disturb him =p
10. The overall impression of him/her is...
Nice guy o.o?
11. How do you think the people around you feel about you?
Erm full of energy... and maybe nice to hangout with? =D
12. The character of you for yourself is?
Love helping everyone
13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
Random mood swings
14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
Someone dependable.
15. For the people who care about you and likes you, say something about them.
Thanks for all your help guys! Whenever I need something all of you are there for me XD You guys make me smile everyday =D
Ten people to tag:
7.Kwok Liang
9.May Lim
Who is no.2 (Ben) having a relationship with?
Erm think her name was Steph! I so smart ahahahah!
Is no.3 (Carissa) a male or female?
Obviously female XD
How will no.9 (May Lim) react if he/she found out that his/her cell phone is lost?
Erm either she goes bonkers until she finds it or she just continues being her blur self XD
If no.7 (Kwok Liang) and no.10 (Mitra) were together, would it be a good thing?
Erm dunno if their each other's type o.o
How about no.5 (Elvin) and no.8 (Jared)?
Now that would be interesting ahahahahahah!
What is no.1 (Alexis) studying about?
Oo oo I know I know! Same as me XD AUP Journalism Major!
Is no.4 (Edison) single?
Maybe yes, maybe no =.="
Say something about no.6 (Jillian)?
She sho shweet ahaha XD
Friday, October 17, 2008
International Sajak Reading Competition!
I know it's been awhile since I've posted something and I give you my deepest apology. Ahaha! Thought I became very formal didn't you? Anyway I am sorry about not keeping the blog updated. It's kind of been a depressing week up until yesterday (Wednesday). But I won't bore you with the depressing details so let's get on with today's topic!
Now for those of you who don't know what "Sajak" is, basically it's a poem in Bahasa Melayu where you talk and show a lot of feelings and emotions as well as body language. The poem is usually accompanied by some music to give it that dramatic effect ahahah!

What we had to do was read the poem in a group and each group must have at least 1 international or local student to perform the poem with the rest of the members. I entered the competition with my 2 members Hoor (green dress) and Winna (white dress).
We were the only private college that was taking part in the competition which was kind of cool and intimidating at the same time. It was intimidating because the contestants from the local college and university students are suppose to be far better in sajak reading compared to private college students like us. And the fact that they had a lot of supporters didn't help much in our confidence. We had only 2 supporters who came to cheer us on which was Winni and Henry. Hey 2 is better then nothing!
As we were getting ready to go on stage, I felt a lot of butterflies flapping their wings inside my stomache. I had such a bad case of stage fright but I tried to overcome it with some relaxation techniques (like breathing as if your about to give birth ahahaha!). Although it was scary, I overcame my fears when I got on stage somehow and did the best that I could with it. I messed up a little bit on the last part though which was so sad sobz...
After that was done with, there were a lot of extra performances by the hosting university and some of them were just hilarious ahaha! After that they gave all the participants a trophy for participating in the competition. When it was over, the time had come to announced the winner of the competition. We were all thinking oh well we had fun, guess it might not be us. When suddenly...
We won third place!!! Wow! It was such an unexpected surprise! We couldn't believe it and neither could Mr. Amir hahaha! He was so proud of us getting a prize for our efforts.

Here we are again but this time with Mr. Amir! Yay the whole team's group shot!
We are the champions!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Hari Raya Open House Pictures!!!
Silence . . .
Okay, today(Wednesday) started a little bit scary as I woke up this morning without a voice! I misplaced my voice somewhere! Oh no~ So yeah getting back to serious mode, I really did lose my voice and I think I know what caused it probably. I can't say it here though, sorry guys! Personal reason!
Anyway~ not only was I without a voice today, I also had a calculus exam that morning which was, say it with me people, FUN! Thankfully, the test was easier then I thought but my only complain would be that we didn't have enough time for the test. I was so happy after it was over, I wanted to say, "It's over!!!" but since I got no voice today, that plan was a bust.
After the exams were over and done with, I went to the concourse and hungout with Alexis and Ben. Alexis was helping Ben with the selling booth of the Rotaract Club. They were selling some delicious food to raise fund for their camping trip or something. I was chatting with them in sign language and writing on a small notebook I carried around all day for today. When Alexis knew that I lost my voice and had to write down what I wanted to say to her on the notebook, she joined in with me ahahaha! When the clock stroke 12 noon, it was time for macro econs class.
Han Sen, Jon, Naomi and Shaza were all asking what happen to my voice. I had to give all of them the same answer I gave to you guys earlier. After class was over, I went to the IMC Meeting that we were having. Didn't discuss much during the meeting though. Basically just saying what we're doing next week. I hung out with JC and Ilyas outside the AUP office and they were laughing and making fun of me when they found out I lost my voice. Damn you two!
My throat still felt like a knife was there or something and I couldn't say a word at all. Most of the people in AUP office asked what happen to me as they notice I was strangely quiet today. And of course drumroll please, same answer to everyone! Everyone in AUP was playing one of the facebook applications called Pet Society which is seriously cute and fun! Suddenly, after having a little fun arguement with JC about his cat kissing mine, my voice came back! But it was still kind of painful and low. Guess I have to thank the homo cat for restoring my voice. Thanks Cat Sandwich!
Having no voice in college is a damn hard thing to face I'll tell you now! But I guess I listened more so thats something positive that came out from this. After that, I went to eat dinner with Shaza, Mus, Justice, Ilyas and Shravan at AC. The end. That was my day without a voice.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Busy Raya Open House!
Today (Saturday) was a very busy day as I had some things that needed to be done and of course, the open house~! The day started at 8 in the morning as My sister and I woke up and got dressed and were waiting for my brother to pick us up. We went to the cemetery to visit the graves of my dad, aunt and grandmother. The atmosphere at the cemetery was like anyone would expect, gloomy and full of sorrow. It was just so hard to visit our dad's grave as we remembered the things we did together. My sister was in tears after a few minutes and I was closing in on the water works as well. As we payed our respect to our loved ones, we left to do some tasks our mom asked us to do.
The first task was to get some "Lemang" for the open house since it's known to be one of the most sought out Raya food of all. My brother seemed like he was an expert in the subject as he was inspecting all the "Lemang" stores on the roadside to see which are cooked and which aren't ready yet. My sister and I were making fun of him in the car as we saw how "expert" he was ahaha! The price was just crazy as it had risen to RM10-15 a tube. It used to be only RM6-8! We bought only 5 tubes this year and after that, we moved on to our next task!
Our next task was to buy syrup, oranges, "Kuah Kacang" and ice. We got the syrup and oranges easily, but the "Kuah Kacang" could not be located anywhere near our area. So we gave up on the search for "Kuah Kacang" which made us totally forgot to buy the ice! My mom told me that my stepdad already got the "Kuah Kacang" and "Satays" from his friend so one problem solved. The next one was the issue with the ice. I called Han Sen and asked what time would he be arriving and thank god he said that he'd be there early so i asked him to help me get some ice which he did. Thanks Han Sen!
The first people to arrive was Cezalyn and Han Sen at 1.30pm. After that the people just kept on coming as the rest of the gang reached as if they were lining up outside. The party was going along quite nice and Alexis even took some pictures of the day. Alexis! I want those pictures! We were all just goofing off and playing around at the time. But around 3.30pm, my stepdad's family came to visit him for awhile. Uh-oh. The house was already crowded enough with my friends so I had to call everyone to execute the evacuation plan!
We all hung out outside of the house and enjoyed the view there. Some of them even went out to the roof of the carpark just to play around. It was getting hot though, so the rest of them wanted to go down and see the lake up-close and personal. Alexis, JC, Kwok Liang and I decided to go to the roof instead to enjoy the view from way up there. We took the elevator to the 26th floor and then took the stairs to go out on the roof. To my utmost surprise, there was a 27th floor which I didn't even knew existed! It looks like a penthouse though so we didn't spend much time there and continued up. Sadly, the door to the roof was locked so we had to go all the way down again sob...
After that disappointment, we went down to join the others at the lake and just played around. We were all being cam whores and started making all kinds of poses in front of the camera. Alexis took most of those pictures and it was just so hilarious! Right after we took the group shot picture, it started to rain so we headed back up. My stepdad's relatives were still inside so we couldn't go in just yet. I went out with Alexis to buy some snacks and cards for everyone to play. Surprisingly, 7-11 doesn't sell those playing cards anymore as they said the stock was too little. So we had to go all the way to SS15 to get them.
When we got back, Alexis needed to go send JC and Suzanne already, so they left after dropping me off at the guardhouse. Thanks for the ride Alexis! When I got back up, even more people had arrived as my friends from high school came. I gave them the cards for them to play until we are allowed to go in and they were all playing the game "Bluff" which was so funny!
Finally, my stepdad's relatives were leaving so we were allowed to go inside the house already and right on time, Edison and his friends came. You guys are very good at timing! Shortly after, Nad arrived. The people who were playing "Bluff" stayed out for awhile to continue playing and the rest of us went in and eat while watching TV. After they finished the round, all of them transfered the game inside but then changed to another hilarious game which I'm not so sure what the name of it was. They were betting against each other using some of my old damage counter beads back when I was playing card games like pokemon and magic. Apparently, Aaron and Sandy cleaned out everyone else's beads.
When it was time to close the house, we all decided to move the party to Shaza's house since it's nearby. But at Shaza's place, we spent our time there singing and playing music with the piano and guitar which was like so fun and cool! We were singing our hearts out like we just don't care ahaha! Too bad Shaza and her family was going out for dinner. If not all of us would have continued singing all night long ahahah! We said our goodbyes there as I had to walk the opposite direction from the rest since they live either at the hostel in INTI or near there.
Today was a really fun day and it so cheered me up from this week! Thanks guys for coming to the open house and thanks for the gifts! And to all those who couldn't make it, thanks for the Raya wishes! Selamat Hari Raya to all of you and your families! Time for bed so, goodnight everyone~